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作者:土建学院    发布:2018-11-02 11:36    点击量:



主持完成国家社会科学基金课题1项,教育部人文社会科学研究项目2 项,湖北省教育厅人文社会科学研究项目2 项,承担企业委托项目多项;发表学术论文50 余篇,其中SCI/SSCI 收录15 篇,出版专著1 部。获湖北省社会科学优秀成果二等奖、武汉市科技进步三等奖等省部级科研奖励3 项。


[1] Jiang S, Li J. Impact of person-environment fit on construction project managers' turnover intention: a moderated mediation model[J]. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 2024. (Online)

[2] Zhang W, Li J, Liang Z. Barriers to Building Information Modeling from an Individual Perspective in the Chinese Construction Industry: An Extended Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology[J]. Buildings, 2023, 13(7): 1881.

[3] Sun J, Wang C C, Yang Z, et al. Impact of organizational decentralization degree on job satisfaction and job performance: A hierarchical linear model analysis for construction projects[J]. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 2022, 29(4): 1642-1660.

[4] Li J., Li D., Ning X., Sun J., Du H. Residential Satisfaction among Resettled Tenants in Public Rental Housing in Wuhan, China. Journal of Housing and the Built Environment. 2019, 34(4): 1125-1148.

[5] Li J., Stehlík M., Wang Y. Assessment of Barriers to Public Rental Housing Exits: Evidence from tenants in Beijing, China. Cities, 2019, 87, 153-165.

[6] Li J., Ning X., Sun J., Xiong X. Simulating the Barriers of Transaction Costs to Public Rental Housing Exits: The Case of Wuhan, China. Sustainability, 2018, 10(5): 1-13.

[7] Li J., Wang C C., Sun J. Empirical Analysis of TenantsIntention to Exit Public Rental Housing units based on the Theory of Planned Behavior The Case of Wuhan, China. Habitat International, 2017, 69: 27-36.






